We Stand for Excellence. Do You?

“It is always easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.” – Alfred Adler

At Adler University, we reach for the highest standards of quality in our research, our clinical practice, and our community service.

We embrace rigor, with academic programs that challenge students to stretch their capabilities and break new ground in their fields. We value integrity—academic, professional, and personal integrity.

We reward high performance – scholarship that changes conversations and shapes policy; service programs that produce measurable results. We seek constant improvement to our programs, services, and ourselves through constant measurement and self-reflection.

We do this because we want to lead, not just contribute to, social change—and because the communities we serve deserve our best.

Sound like you? Make your stand with us – apply to Adler University today.

Graduating socially responsible practitioners, engaging communities, and advancing social justice.

Adler University

520 Seymour Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 3J5
